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CBN For A Long Night Relaxed Sleep

Kate Miguel

CBN, or cannabinol, is a cannabinoid that aids with sleep. Every cannabinoid is a terpene, which is the chemical that gives hemp and cannabis flowers their distinct aroma. Terpenes have a variety of physiological benefits in humans, including achieving homeostasis, reducing stress, and relieving pain. CBN is a unique terpene in particular. It operates by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which is thought to control numerous physiological activities in the body, including cognition, pain perception, and mood. It does not create psychoactive effects or a high like THC, and it is non-habit forming, which is great news for our Slumberers.

How is CBN and CBD different?

What's the difference between CBD and CBN if they're only one letter apart? Cannabidiol, or CBD, is found in cannabis and hemp plants. CBN, on the other hand, is made when THC is exposed to light. Biological differences aside, CBN has minor psychoactive effects compared to CBD products; you may experience a high from using a CBN product, but it won't be as strong as a THC high.

How Does CBN Work?

  •   CBN interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which influences mood, energy, cognition and attention, hunger, immunological function, and pain via influencing the activity of various hormones and neurotransmitters. CBN, which is chemically related to CBD, has numerous of the same benefits on the body, including pain relief, inflammation reduction, and improved sleep.

  • There is evidence that CBN is a potent sedative. CBN has been demonstrated to extend sleep time in mice in studies. According to certain studies, when CBN is coupled with THC, its calming effects are increased. However, there is currently no scientific research on CBN's sleep-inducing qualities. I'm hopeful that further scientific studies on CBN's sleep-promoting properties will be published in the future.

  •  According to studies, CBN possesses analgesic (pain-relieving) properties in the body. CBN appears to impact the activity of capsaicin-sensitive neurons. These capsaicin-sensitive neurons are crucial for pain signalling and perception in the body.


If we've aroused your interest in the natural unsung hero of sleep aid, you'll be relieved to learn that CBN is safe for almost everyone. CBN should be taken in doses of five to ten milligrammes, however because each CBN product is different, follow the dosage instructions on the product packaging. Of course, if you have any underlying illnesses or concerns, see your doctor before starting any new wellness supplement or practise.